Inspection is the basis of a good maintenance program for your fleet of wood poles.
TDS Inspection is able to offer its customers a professional assessment of the current state of wood pole fleets of electrical or telecommunications networks.
Structural Inspection
Visual Inspection
Database Update
GPS Identification
The wooden poles are made of organic materials and are subject to possible deterioration. To delay this problem, pole manufacturers applied an initial factory treatment to them. The chemicals thus introduced into the wood, fade more or less quickly over time and depending on the region of installation.
Indeed, the more humid the installation area, the less the initial treatment will last, for example in Florida where there is long duration of sunshine and also frequent rain showers, the average lifespan of a pole is less than 20 years, unlike in Arizona or it is always dry, the same useful life is greater than 70 years. In Quebec it is reasonable to consider their useful life from 30 to 35 years.
Reprocessing with paste, solid stick or liquid chemicals removes the internal moisture that has formed in the pole. This moisture, if left untreated, will cause nothing more or less from the rot and possibly internal voids, forcing the replacement of the pole.
It is the deferral of replacement costs by 10 years, which is the main success of this new mode of pole fleet management.
The benefits of such a program are many, here are a few;